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Never make the mistake of inserting the charger of another mobile in one mobile

<img src="Charging Mistakes.jpg" alt="mistake of inserting the charger of another mobile "/>

Never make the mistake of inserting the charger of one mobile into another mobile as doing so could cause you great loss.


If you put another charger in the mobile phone.It loosens the charging pin of your own mobile, due to which the charging in the mobile stops.

If the other's charger is of high power and your low ampere.It can also damage the battery of the mobile.

Your mobile phone's charger protects it from small or mild electric shocks, but when you plug in another charger.It can't secure your mobile, which is why your phone breaks down so quickly.

By inserting the charger of the other, the battery of the mobile falls down quickly and the same mobile.Which runs easily for 4 hours then removes the battery in 1 to 2 hours.

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